Kayla Schaab, NP-C

Kayla Schaab, NP-C

Senior Living Care


Kayla enjoys camping with her husband and dogs, spending time with her family, knitting, crafting and reading. During the winter months, she likes to bake yummy treats for her coworkers and family. She also loves music and can sometimes be found playing her harps or singing.

Patient-Centered Care

Kayla believes that a crucial component of medicine is the art of listening to patients. She strives to involve patients and families in goal-setting and care-planning activities. Kayla’s mission is to provide all patients with easy-to-understand education about their diagnoses, treatments and health options. In each encounter, Kayla seeks a team approach with collaboration for the best possible patient care.

Clinical Expertise

Kayla has a passion for elder care, long-term care and rehabilitation.


BA, ASN and MSN-FNP at University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne, IN


American Academy of Nurse Practitioners FNP-C

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